The State of OpenStack Adoption in 2011

OpenStack, founded by RackSpace and NASA, is an open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds. OpenStack offer powerful cloud operating system to deploy powerful cloud services on any standard hardware, in cost-effective manner. Even better, OpenStack is now open source, meaning the code is freely available for anyone and anyone can contribute to make OpenStack better – this will remove potential cloud lock-in.

All OpenStack’s benefits aside, OpenStack adoption is not an easy task; the learning curve is steep, according to a Zenoss survey. An article by David Storm of ReadWriteCloud voices this concern.

This Zenoss’ cloud computing infographic shows you the 2011 state of OpenStack adoption. The trend: 73 percent are considering OpenStack and 40 percent of respondents even plan to be operational within one year. OpenStack needs to do a better job to work on the steep learning curve to minimize potential performance issues. Check out the cloud infographic by Zenoss:

openstack adoption infographic

Via ReadWriteCloud 

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