What is Cloudsourcing?

Indeed, the cloud changes how we do business, no matter what your niche is in. This also holds true in outsourcing industry. Now enter – the era of cloudsourcing.

Cloudsourcing = the cloud + outsourcing

It’s pretty simple, really. Cloudsourcing is outsourcing process in the cloud, enjoying benefits of what cloud solutions offer to outsourcing activities. It works like cloud brokerage, with a focus on outsourcing.

Cloudsourcing reduces the risks of conventional outsourcing: Instead of dealing with outsourcing partners which operates in a region with different legal requirements – not mentioning the language barrier when you outsource to non-English speaking outsourcing partners – you can partner with a cloudsourcing vendor who will take a good care of you – legal compliance assurance, project management with dedicated project manager and the ability to pay only for the services you use.

QuartSoft, one of cloudsourcing solution providers, released an official infographic that can help you get an idea or two about cloud outsourcing, and how it can help you minimize the unknowns in the outsourcing process; check it out:


Via QuartSoft 

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